Parenting with love


As we are preparing for both marriage and later for a future family something to keep in mind is how vital a role that marriage plays in family because the family will only ever be as strong as the marriage is because how can you effectively parents when you are in conflict with each other and on is trying to parent very different from which may lead to nothing being taught or something you don’t want to teach being taught. Because just as important as what is being taught is how it is taught because if you try to teach virtue while being a scumbag you will be tuned out or no one will believe what you teach so a marriage in harmony is the best foundation to begin the process of teaching.

From there before we even begin considering parenting we how can you do something effectively without even considering what it really is. A good example is teach if you don’t really understand what is teaching and what it means to teach how effectively you can do it. The same is true to parenting without understanding what it is and what it entails; it won't be done very well. And in parenting, while part of the responsibility is to protect your children from the potential dangers they face in life, the only ones you really stop are a threat to their life or health as a whole. Part of parenting is creating an environment in which effective and meaningful learning can occur mean sometimes they scrape a knee or stub a toe a certain amount of getting banged up is just a part of life a if you put them in a metaphorical bubble when they grow up and leave you to find themselves they won’t be ready to handle what life throws their way. 

And to start our path of teaching is a quote that the professor discussed that I thought was a great way of viewing the world and helps us reinterpret some bad habits and that is that you can never get enough of what you don’t need. I really liked that not only because of how it was a great quote but because of the perspective it spun on why we can never get enough of something and yet we can easily be happy with others even if we only have a little bit here and there on a regular basis. Some of the examples that we gave and that totally make sense were not only an eye opener but help in better understanding myself as well as others. One of the needs was power or the ability to choose the mistake approach that children normally take are two different ones either rebellion directly fighting the person limiting or not giving them choice or doing to others what has been done to them through control it others neither of which make people happy the control example is easily seen because even people reach the level control for people such as hitler or Stalin they agree still insecure while the health way parents meet these needs are through response abilities to be to take ownership of choices and to be given both choices and there consequences that accompany that choice. Another need shown was protection because everyone needs a feeling of safety and security. While the common mistaken approach to it is revenge because then no one ever challenges them or their safety but in reality just leads to a cycle of violence and insecurity. The right way being taught assertiveness to be able to stand up for themselves and forgiveness being able to talk about and let go avoiding an endless cycle. But these are often so hard because they must be taught by example, asking us to often be the bigger person.


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