Fathers and finance


We have discussed briefly the roles and influence both fathers and finance plays in the family. Depending on how they are managed finances can have a significant impact on the daily lives of both individuals and especially families. One of the biggest downfalls of people isn’t having enough income but not managing finances effectively leading to spending far more than they need to for example by eating out on a regular basis you spend easily multiple times as much as you would on a similar food that you made yourself. Another example is the tendency we have in society to spend far more money on won’t that we have than we need to for example you don’t just get a tv you get a high end big screen because you figure might as well get the best but can you really afford it or another is your car. You get a brand new car with a couple of features but do you even need a brand new car let alone any additional features for sure. You could easily get a car 5 to 10 years old in great condition with only some miles on it for easily half or less than that same new vehicle from earlier. And while these are specific examples, the principles behind them are what is important. Often it is all the little things that end up adding up that lead to financial issues not the handful of big expenses because all the small ones add up to a few unnecessary big ones. From this we can take away that you can treat finances like nutrition as long as all is met a little at a time on a daily basis you are good but additional things here and there quickly lead to something out of control and unhealthy which can lead to feeling like you are financially dying.

Even more important than the finances though is the other half to the mother of the family and the father of the family. The main role that the father is to play is provide, preside, and protect each vital thing his family needs. The first and one obvious to most is the provider that makes sure that the family is never without at least the most basic of needs from the food and water that are needed to live to a roof over their heads proper shelter and protection worldly elements. Next is to preside and lead as the family which is very different than just telling everyone what to do. To preside often requires leading by example and helping to direct the family in the best direction for the family as a whole. Lastly is protection in every way that can be understood. The most obvious is from those that may threaten them but that isn’t all they may need to be protected from that includes emotionally and spiritually. Such speaking up there are those who may bully or criticize them are influences that may harm their spirit. This is just the basics of the role a father is to fulfill. There are others that take place as he does his best to do these and are something that only a father can do just as there are things that only a mother can do. The best being setting an example and pattern for his children’s own future families. For sons he shows how man should be and act on top of how to treat women and the kind of relationship he should strive for in the future while for his daughters is to set an example of the type of man she should seek out by showing how a husband should treat his wife and the standard she should look for in a future spouse.


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