Family interactions

 It has been to see and discuss the different ways and theories on how relationships are formed and maintained as well as the type of interactions that dictates the flow and type of interactions in said relationships. One of the most interesting views being on the thoughts and discussion on conflict theory which most people would instantly think of as bad and only detrimental to a relationship or the types of interactions you would have with those around you but in many circumstances is very beneficial. For example a conflict in the way two different people view something may create a new third option or way of viewing something that is better than either of the original views of either individual while at the same type it is through meeting different views gain new and better understand of our own and may learn and go down a better path by realizing we were going down a worse path or wrong path.

  From there we moved to exchange theory which was an interesting way of viewing relationships in an almost capitalist way of exchanging goods and services but also one that reminds you and helps you see at least to a certain extent there is only so much give and take for something to be a healthy relationship. No matter the relationship for it to continue to grow and improve more positives must be experienced than negative and view it that way as a permanent aspect helps remind us that if that changes over time so will a relationship change over easily explaining one of the reasons marriages so frequently end in divorce. Because for a marriage to be as happy and positive, if not improve you actively need to be giving each other whatever it is you need from the day you start day and not stopping even since a relationship is as much alive as we as humans are.

But one of the most important if not always remembered is the role that symbolic interactions play in our day to day lives and how careful we need to be with the actions we take don’t become misunderstood and lead to more harm than good. Because symbolical interactions can do a lot of good or more harm than good depending on how they are interpreted. For example, while having a ring on the ring finger of the left hand can mean someone is married and not open to that kind of relationship, on the other a hug can be interpreted many different ways. To one who is very friendly and open to those they interact with it can be a symbol of love and being friendly while for another who in the past may have been abused it may make them tense or cause them to panic due to the trauma from past experiences. What I am trying to say is that for those things that are commonly recognized as a form of symbolic interaction be careful how you use them so you are not misunderstood and on the reverse be careful when you interact with those around and seek not just jump to conclusions and misunderstanding when what someone is trying to say.

  Lastly is how we see that family broken down into different parts that allows it to run smoothly while each benefits despite often being given a forced role. Each has a role to play which for the parents can be compared to an executive that directs the direction of the family while the children the leaders help allow it to function effectively. Lastly is the important role that boundaries play not only allowing each of us the personal space we need as what is fine with others while unthinkable with another it allows us to know where we stand with one another when clear boundaries are made.


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